Giving Tuesday Blog - November 2022
At this time of the year, we at IGN reflect on how lucky we are to have your support for our work of promoting and sustaining adequate iodine nutrition. We’re also grateful because, in the last few years of competing priorities, you have stuck with us as we ensure that the problem of iodine deficiency is not forgotten.
We take your support and your contributions very seriously. Your donations go exactly where you want them to go – to the work of ensuring that salt is iodized forever. We don’t have physical offices, and our administration costs are minimal. From our small core team, to our regional coordinators, to our national coordinators (who are volunteers), we are all individuals who are driven and committed to our work.
That commitment comes from our experience and understanding of the impact of iodine deficiency on the developing brains of children. It comes from our knowledge that adequate iodine nutrition, especially during pregnancy and early childhood, helps children to learn better at school and earn better as adults. It motivates us to be watchful to make sure progress is sustained and to achieve equality of access to iodized salt.
Here are two very different examples of how your support is making a difference:
You will see from these examples – and there are many more – that we use the funding you give us to leverage other resources or to sound the alarm if we see a problem. Together, we can create a world where the importance of iodine nutrition is understood, sustained and promoted. Thank you.