Iodine Global Network (IGN)


Median UIC 63 (2014) National, WRA (15-49 years)
Population Iodine Status Insufficient
* MUIC, median urinary iodine concentration
* HHIS, percentage of households consuming iodized salt (>0 ppm) among all tested households
SAC: school-age children / WRA: women of reproductive age / PW: pregnant women


28. May 2018

Cambodia: Salt producers told to add iodine or risk losing licence

Salt producers must now add iodine to their product or face losing their business licence after the government passed a Prakas banning sales of non-iodised salt. The move aims to tackle iodine...

15. May 2017

How a Tsunami in Japan Endangered Children in Cambodia

The tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, now threatens the developing brains of children in Cambodia — but not for reasons that were ever expected. Cambodia has long struggled with iodine...

09. April 2017

Lack of iodized salt in Cambodia is a 'serious public health risk'

When Arnaud Laillou, a nutrition specialist with UNICEF, led a salt iodization study in 2014, he wanted to be sure that salt producers were not adding too much iodine. Just four years earlier, UNICEF...

12. April 2016

Low iodine status among mothers and children in Cambodia

A 2014 national assessment of salt iodization coverage in Cambodia found that 62% of samples were non-iodized, suggesting a significant decline in daily iodine intakes. The Cambodian Micronutrient Survey...

13. January 2016

Iodine deficiency threatens Cambodia

Labels on salt packages that say it includes iodine are misleading and as a result iodine deficiency is once again a serious health threat in Cambodia, despite a 2003 sub-decree requiring all salt...


Low Urinary Iodine Concentration among Mothers and Children in Cambodia (PDFAchtung Link öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster)
Arnaud Laillou, Prak Sophonneary, Khov Kuong, Rathavuth Hong, Samoeurn Un, Chhoun Chamnan, Etienne Poirot, Jacques Berger and Frank Wieringa
Nutrients 2016, 8(4), 172; doi:10.3390/nu8040172

Iodized Salt in Cambodia: Trends from 2008 to 2014 (PDFAchtung Link öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster)
Arnaud Laillou, Borath Mam, Sam Oeurn, and Chantum Chea
Nutrients 2015, 7(6), 4189-4198; doi:10.3390/nu7064189


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Edward Otico