Iodine Global Network (IGN)

Uzbekistan bans non-iodized salt

The amendments to the act "About prophylaxis of iodine deficiency diseases", according to which there is fully stopped production and banned sale of non-iodized dietary salt in the country came into force. The Law previously also has been foreseeing obligatory iodization of salt being produced and sold in the republic; however it has been allowing access to non-iodized salt for people, who have medical or other contraindications to consumption of iodized salt.

"The problem of iodine deficiency (the most visible manifestation of it – goiter) is very actual for Uzbekistan, especially for ecologically unfavorable regions. According to statistics of Endocrinology Center the prevalence of iodine deficiency conditions in the republic makes 40%. Iodine deficiency makes negative influence to female health, physical and mental development of children and teenagers, that is why the government makes all possible for improvement of the situation," — noted Nuriya Aytjanova, the deputy of Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (Parliament), representing Ecological movement of Uzbekistan.

Nuriya Aytjanova underlined the need to follow the requirements on storage and consumption of salt (it is well known, that during improper storage iodine evaporates), mentioning the importance of raising the level of awareness of population about that.


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