Thyroglobulin is a sensitive measure of both deficient and excess iodine intakes in children and indicates no adverse effects on thyroid function in the UIC range of 100–299 mcg/L: A UNICEF/ICCIDD Study Group report
Michael B. Zimmermann, Isabelle Aeberli, Maria Andersson, Vincent Assey, Jorge A. Jara Yorg, Pieter Jooste, Tomislav Jukic, Djoko Kartono, Zvonko Kusic, Eduardo Pretell, Teofilo O. L. San Luis, Jr., Juliawati Untoro, and Arnold Timmer
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, March 2013, 98(3):1271–1280
doi: 10.1210/jc.2012-3952