The latest issue of The Lancet features "Basil Hetzel: vanquishing iodine deficiency disorders." It traces ICCIDD co-founder and past chair Dr. Basil Hetzel's first interest in iodine deficiency in Papua New Guinea in 1964 and his "passion" and "groundbreaking" work to overcome what he gave name to: "Iodine Deficiency Disorders."
The article quotes Dr. Cres Eastman, former ICCIDD vice-chair and current Regional Coordinator: "There is no doubt that he is an extraordinary person and one of the great figures in Australian medicine in the 20th century. His indefatigable dedication to elimination of iodine deficiency disorders has characterised his professional life. I suspect he will continue with this dedication up until his last breath. (His ability to influence those in power) is what sets him apart from many of his senior colleagues who have performed great work but were unable to translate that into worthwhile outcomes."