Title: Guidance for researchers conducting population studies. Focus on monitoring of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD)
Authors: Iris Erlund, Petra Arohonka, Laura Råman, Jouko Sundvall; EUthyroid consortium
Published: National Institute for Health and Welfare Finland (THL), Directions 12/2017. Helsinki, Finland
ISBN 978-952-302-897-5
ISSN 2323-4172
AbstractEUthyroid aims to harmonise IDD related studies by improving their overall quality and comparability. For this aim, a guidance document for researchers was developed, serving as a practical tool for research professionals planning and conducting population studies, especially monitoring studies.
The guide is divided into three parts:
Part A includes general recommendations and issues related to study planning.
Part B offers detailed instructions and recommendations for specimen collection and sample handling.
Part C provides an overview of laboratory analysis related to urinary iodine and thyroid function.